About Peter
Additional Training (Clinical Psychology) 2001-2005
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Master of Arts (Clinical Psychology) 1998-2001
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
Bachelor of Arts (Honours Psychology) 1994-1998
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) 1986-1989
Technical University of Nova Scotia Halifax, Nova Scotia
Bachelor of Science (Physics) Certificate of Applied Science 1983-1986
Acadia University, Wolfville, Nova Scotia
APA/CPA Accredited Pre-doctoral Internship September 2003 - August 2004
The Rehabilitation Centre - Royal Ottawa Hospital
Chronic Pain, Neuropsinal Unit, Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders and Intensive Assessment Program.
Therapy for chronic pain.
Neuropsychological assessment.
Individual and group therapy for Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
Psychotherapy Practicum September 2001 - April 2002
Providence Continuing Care Centre – Mood Disorders Unit
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for chronic and severe emotional difficulties.
Neuropsychological Assessment Practicum January 2001 - April 2001
Regional Treatment Centre, Kingston Penitentiary
Neuropsychological assessment for organic brain disease and acquired brain injuries, learning disabilities, behavioural problems,
personality disorders, and emotional disorders.
Custody and Access Assessment Practicum September 2000 - December 2000
Family Court Clinic; Kingston General Hospital
Assessing parenting capacity for child welfare and custody and access cases.
Psychotherapy Practicum January 2000 - April 2000
Queen’s University Student Counselling
Psychotherapy for emotional disorders. Career counselling and study skills development for students.
Psychoeducational Assessment Practicum September 1999 - December 1999
Limestone District School Board
Assessing students for learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and emotional problems.
Psychologist – Private Practice August 2011 - present
Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Therapy and assessment with children and adults.
School Psychologist December 2008 - June 2011
Western School Board of Prince Edward Island
Assessment of learning difficulties and behavioural interventions.
Educational Consultant October 2007 - December 2008
Western School Board of Prince Edward Island
Assessment of learning difficulties and behavioural interventions.
Psychologist (Candidate Registrar) August 2005 - October 2007
Cape Breton District Health Authority
Child and Adolescent Services
Assessment and treatment of childhood emotional and behavioural disorders.
Assessment and treatment of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities
Clinical Consultant September 2004 - June 2005
Limestone District School Board, Kingston, ON
Assessing students for learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, and emotional problems.
Psychometrist September 2001 - August 2003
Pediatric Cancer Clinic, Kingston General Hospital
Psychological assessment of patients for cognitive effects of cancer treatment, cranial radiation, and brain surgery.
Electrical Engineer September 1994 - December 1995
MDS Nordion International
Kanata, ON
Electrical and electronics design for large and small scale irradiation systems.
Electrical Engineer October 1991 - April 1994
MDS Aero Support Corp.
Ottawa, ON
Design of electrical control systems for jet-engine testing facilities in.
Electrical Engineer June 1989 - October 1991
Canadian Pacific Forest Products Inc.
Dalhousie, NB
Project management and electrical design of control systems and power distribution systems.